Zahir (Zaher) al-Ghafri was born in 1956 in Oman. He is part of the avant-garde prose poetry movement in Oman. Following studies in Baghdad and Rabat, and in 1982 a BA in Philosophy, al-Ghafri published several volumes of verse including Azlaf bayda’ [White Hooves] Paris, 1985, al-Samt ya’ti li al-I ‘tiraf [Silence Comes to Confess], 1991, and Azhar fi bi’r [Flowers in a Well], 2000, the latter two being published in Cologne, Germany. He lives in Sweden. Selected poems were published in Banipal 19, Spring 2004, translated by Salih J Altoma, from al-Ghafri's collection Azhar fi bi'r (Flowers in a Well), pubilshed by Manshurat al-Jamel/Al-Kamel Verlag, Germany, 2000.

Contributor's Issues

Banipal 19 - Spring 2004
