is an associate professor at the University of Houston, Texas. He has a BA and a PhD from University of Texas, and teaches courses in postcolonial literature, literary theory, and world literature. He is the author of Other South: Faulkner, Coloniality, and the Mariátegui Tradition (U of Pittsburgh P, 2007) as well as critical articles appearing in American Literature, Arab Studies Journal, Edebiyaat, MELUS, Mississippi Quarterly, and Rethinking Marxism.

He has translated Voices by Soleiman Fayyad (Marion Boyars, 1993) and Distant Train by Ibrahim Abdel Meguid (Syracuse UP, 2007). His latest translation is the novel Stealth [Talassus] by Egyptian author Sonallah Ibrahim, excerpted in Banipal 34 and published by Aflame Books, November 2009. He is also co-editor with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak of Theory Around the World, a new publication series translating critical theory from outside
Europe and North America.


Contributor's Issues

Banipal 34 - The World of Arab Fiction (2009)
