Akram Musallam was born in Talfit near Nablus in 1972. He has graduated from the department of letters at the University of Birzeit and holds an MA in International Studies from the same university. He writes for the daily al-Ayyam and is editor-in-chief of the political quarterly magazine al-Siyasa.

He published his first novel Hawajis al-Iskandar (Alexander’s Obsessions) in 2003. His second novel Sirat al-‘aqrab alladhi yatasabbab ‘araqan (The Tale of the Scorpion that Dripped with Sweat) was published by Dar al-Adab in Beirut in 2008 after winning the A. M. Qattan award and has been translated into French and Italian.

In 2010, Musallam won a grant from the Arab Art and Culture Fund for his third novel Iltabas al-amr ‘ala al-laqlaq (Confusing the Stork), which will be published soon by Dar al-Ahliya in Amman, Jordan.

Contributor's Issues

Banipal 45 - Writers from Palestine (2012)
