Suneela Mubayi is a graduate student in Arabic literature at the Department of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at New York University. 

She counts translation amongst her academic interests. She has translated poems and short stories from young and upcoming Arab writers which have been published in Banipal, Beirut39, Jadaliyya ezine and elsewhere.

Contributor's Issues

Banipal 65 - The Beautiful Creatures of Fadhil Al-Azzawi (Summer 2019)

Banipal 67 - Elias Khoury, The Novelist (Spring 2020)

Banipal 52 - New Fiction (2015)

Banipal 61 - A Journey in Iraqi Fiction (2018)

Banipal 60 - Alaa al-Deeb, A Writer Apart (Autumn/Winter 2017)

Banipal 58 - Arab Literary Awards (Spring 2017)

Banipal 45 - Writers from Palestine (2012)
