Selections of poems and fiction, sampling the richness and variety of the hundreds of authors in the issues. Plus a chance to hear and see a few of the authors in performance.
Selected Issue: Banipal 58, Arab Literary Awards (Spring 2017)

Elias Farkouh: Excerpt from Drowned in Mirrors
It wasn’t until three o’clock in the afternoon that Shakib Effendi learned from Radio Amman what was really behind the events of that morning. He was looking out of the window at the roofs of the tall houses when the booming voice declared: “Weep for the martyr, Karak; weep for the martyr, Hebron; weep for the martyr, Salt; weep for the martyr, Nablus; weep for the martyr, Irbid; weep for the martyr, Galilee!”